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Ellsworth Kelly
Spectrum Colors Arranged by Chance, 1951-1953

Artwork Info

Artwork title
Spectrum Colors Arranged by Chance
Artist name
Ellsworth Kelly
Date created
oil on wood
60 in. × 60 in. (152.4 cm × 152.4 cm)
Date acquired
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Doris and Donald Fisher Collection at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, and promised gift of Helen and Charles Schwab
Photo credit
Courtesy the artist
© Ellsworth Kelly
Permanent URL
Artwork status
Not on view at this time.

Audio Stories

Kelly on chance and painting

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SFX: Kelly naming colors punctuated slot machine clacking and dings to give a sense of them popping up at random 



Green and black and white.  

Yellow green… green, orange (fades under)  



When Ellsworth Kelly made this painting, he wasn’t calling the shots. He left it all… 


SFX: the pull of a slot machine arm  



…to chance. 


SFX: Slot machine jackpot! 



Here’s Sarah Roberts with more of the story.  



He was very consciously trying not to be an expressionist painter kind of throwing his own psychology and emotions onto the canvas. There’s a quote where he says: “I want to remove the ‘I made this’ from my work.” So using chance is one strategy of keeping yourself out of the picture. So he came up with a chance system something akin to drawing things out of a hat.  



I had numbered the squares, one through eighteen. I had decided that each color had a number.  



He just then systematically placed square after square after square in this collage  


SFX: Slot machine arm 



Dark blue next to a pink next to an orange… 



…And created a painting from it.  

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Other Works by Ellsworth Kelly

See other works by Ellsworth Kelly

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