
Ten Minutes Older: The Cello

Thursday, June 7, 2012

7 p.m.

Additional Info

Ten Minutes Older, Herz Frank, 1978, 10 min., video
Ten Minutes Older: The Cello, Bernardo Bertolucci, Claire Denis, Mike Figgis, Jean-Luc Godard, Jirí Menzel, Michael Radford, Volker Schlöndorff, and István Szabó, 2002, 95 min., video

Image: Herz Frank, Ten Minutes Older (still), 1978; courtesy National Film Centre of Latvia

In 1978 Herz Frank released the now-classic film Ten Minutes Older, which consists of a single shot of a child watching a puppet show. In a short time, viewers witness a dramatic range of emotions, from sheer joy, to concern, fear, and relief, all without the child ever speaking a single word. In 2002 producer Nicolas McClintock revived Frank’s idea with the feature films Ten Minutes Older: The Cello and Ten Minutes Older: The Trumpet. Taking to heart Frank’s advice that filmmakers should “have patience to observe life,” McClintock assembled some of the world’s most celebrated directors to create 10-minute ruminations on the passage of time.