Felissimo brochure for Theater (Tribute 21), 1994

Related to Theater (Tribute 21), 1994

Felissimo brochure for Theater (Tribute 21), 1994

Related to Theater (Tribute 21), 1994

Research Material
Curatorial Document

Theater (Tribute 21) recognizes Rachel Rosenthal (1926–2015), a leader in interdisciplinary experimental performance. Rosenthal studied dance with Merce Cunningham and became part of Rauschenberg’s circle of close friends in New York in 1954. Rauschenberg’s lithograph is paired with the following quote by Rosenthal: “. . . we are truly at the edge of chaos and must choose between life and death. Chaos theory teaches us that greater, more complex and elegant order may emerge from chaos. It is up to us to make that leap.”

For a full list of the Tribute 21 portfolio honorees, see Felissimo’s informational brochure.

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