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Discussion Questions

Frieda and Diego

Frida Kahlo

April 2016

Frida Kahlo, Frieda and Diego Rivera, 1931; collection SFMOMA, Albert M. Bender Collection, gift of Albert M. Bender; © Banco de Mexico Diego Rivera & Frida Kahlo Museums Trust, Mexico, D.F. / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York; photo: Don Ross

  1. What is going on in this work of art? What do you see that makes you say that?
  2. In the story that you see, who do you think is the most important figure? What in the painting makes you think that?
  3. Based on the painting, what kind of relationship do you think these two people had?
  4. There is Spanish text in the painting. A translation is:

Here you see me, Frida Kahlo, with my beloved husband, Diego Rivera. I painted these portraits in the beautiful city of San Francisco, California, for our friend Mr. Albert Bender. It was the month of April in the year 1931.

How does this information affect your understanding of the painting?

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