Discussion Questions

Portrait (Futago)

Yasumasa Morimura

May 2017

Yasumasa Morimura, Portrait (Futago), 1988; collection SFMOMA, gift of Vicki and Kent Logan; © Yasumasa Morimura

  1. What is going on in this work? What do you see that makes you say that?
  2. Find a hidden idea or emotion in this work of art. What is it and what clues helped you find it?
  3. If you wanted to know how the artist made this work of art, what questions would you ask?
  4. This work is based on another famous work of art by Édouard Manet, Olympia, 1863. How do they compare? What is similar about these works? What is different?
  5. If this work is the artist’s half of a conversation with you, what would you say back to the artist?

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