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Transitioning to Our DEI Strategic Plan

January 2022


SFMOMA has continued dedicated efforts over the past quarter to finalize the museum’s five-year DEI Strategic Plan. This plan was created in close partnership with our DEI Core Team, Project Teams, and cross-functional sponsors including our Executive Team and Board of Trustees.

Grounded in the museum’s Statement of Intention, the DEI Strategic Plan is a prioritized action plan organized by functional area that presents goals and activities we are committed to achieving over the next five years. After finalizing this plan with our staff and board, SFMOMA is pleased to share key points with our broader community here.

We have completed most of the initial commitments identified in July 2020; remaining items or continuing projects are reflected within the comprehensive DEI Strategic Plan.

Committing to the work of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion versus doing the work carry different weights. Transparency about the museum’s progress is imperative, and that includes sharing information in ways that are as helpful and impactful as possible. Accordingly, we are refreshing how we report progress on our DEI Strategic Plan on sfmoma.org. We aim to re-launch our DEI Commitments site in early 2022.

For more information on our actions to date, please see past DEI institutional updates.