Felissimo brochure for Music (Tribute 21), 1994

Related to Music (Tribute 21), 1994

Felissimo brochure for Music (Tribute 21), 1994

Related to Music (Tribute 21), 1994

Research Material
Curatorial Document

Recognized for developing a revolutionary approach to music composition that relied on chance and indeterminacy, Rauschenberg’s close friend John Cage was selected as the honoree for Music (Tribute 21). Cage’s celebrated silent piece 4′33″ (1953) is intimately related to Rauschenberg’s White Paintings of the same year. Cage’s iconoclastic attitude comes through in the quip selected as his quote: “Two people making the same kind of music is one music too many.”

For a full list of the Tribute 21 portfolio honorees, see Felissimo’s informational brochure.

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