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Duct Tape and Dreams: Reviving the Soapbox Derby at McLaren Park

Produced in collaboration with Stink Studios, “Duct Tape and Dreams” captures the essence of SFMOMA’s first artist Soapbox Derby in more than forty years: the creativity, collaboration, and exuberance of everyone who participated — and, of course, all that exciting downhill action!

Year: 2022

Running time: 27 minutes

Producers: SFMOMA and Stink Studios

Directors: Ian Watt and RJ Kosineski

Director of Photography: Jan Reichle Editor: Ian Watt

Image: Masako Miki and Trevor Sherard (Truffle Man), Flying Whale, 2022; courtesy the artists and CULT Aimee Friberg Exhibitions, San Francisco; featured in the film Duct Tape and Dreams: Reviving the Soapbox Derby at McLaren Park, 2022 (still); courtesy SFMOMA