Produced in collaboration with Stink Studios, “Duct Tape and Dreams” captures the essence of SFMOMA’s first artist Soapbox Derby in more than forty years: the creativity, collaboration, and exuberance of everyone who participated — and, of course, all that exciting downhill action!
Year: 2022
Running time: 27 minutes
Producers: SFMOMA and Stink Studios
Directors: Ian Watt and RJ Kosineski
Director of Photography: Jan Reichle Editor: Ian Watt
Image: Masako Miki and Trevor Sherard (Truffle Man), Flying Whale, 2022; courtesy the artists and CULT Aimee Friberg Exhibitions, San Francisco; featured in the film Duct Tape and Dreams: Reviving the Soapbox Derby at McLaren Park, 2022 (still); courtesy SFMOMA