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Rick Guidice, Bernal Sphere, exterior view, 1975; courtesy NASA Ames Research Center History Archives
Special Event

Far Out: Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Moon Landing

Saturday, July 20, 1 p.m.–9 p.m.

Gina and Stuart Peterson White Box, Floor 4

Free with museum admission

July 20, 2019, marks the fiftieth anniversary of the first moon landing, and opening day of the new architecture and design exhibition, Far Out: Suits, Habs, and Labs for Outer Space. Focusing on real and conceptual designs for space suits, habitats, and laboratories, Far Out highlights the exchange between artistic provocation, imagination, and realization, and offers perspectives that inform life on Earth and beyond. Join us for the opening of the exhibition on Floor 6 of the museum and Far Out festivities, including film screenings and music, in the Gina and Stuart Peterson White Box on Floor 4. Out-of-this-world costumes welcome!