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Jeanne Liotta, Path of Totality, 2017

Program 6: our minds were light-years distant

Saturday, June 8, 2019

8 p.m.

Free for SFMOMA members, (pick up tickets from the Minna Box Office, Ticketing, or Membership).

$10 Cinematheque members

$12 general

Program 6 will feature artists Jeanne Liotta, Arte Matu, Lydia Moyer, and T2R/Laura Gillmore in attendance.

“Jeanne Liotta’s tour de force projection performance Path of Totality spins the most ecstatic of the cinematic from flickering loops and household objects to create a luminous show and tell that transmutates base matter to pure energy. Path of Totality anchors a program of discovered sights, found sounds, and meditations on the fragility of life and the inner lives of the inanimate. Reports from the world reinforce the urgency of our actions: forced, folded, and coaxed to motion.”

― San Francisco Cinematheque


Night Eyes | Arte Matu | 2018

“A light poem. Reflections of Night.” (Steve Polta)

The Forcing (epilogue) | Lydia Moyer | 2018

A coda to our Friday night feature.

“An attempt to contend with the atrocities surrounding immigration in the U.S. from a far away and unconnected place.” (Lydia Moyer)

Fluorescent Girl | Janie Geiser | 2018

“A meditation on the photograph Tailor’s Apprentice (1953) by Paul Strand. Fluorescent light reflects on a girl’s image, found in a book of photographs in a bookstore. She merges with other images of shadow and light, highlighting her ephemerality and ours.” (Janie Geiser)

Valeria Street | Janie Geiser | 2018

“In Valeria Street using a photograph of the filmmaker’s father and his colleagues as a starting point ― American industry, its efficiency and promise, […] emerges as a mirage. Geometric shapes, graphs, and numbers float before us recalling the beautifully proportionate works of Sol Lewitt.” (Ela Bittencourt)

Preemptive Listening (Part 1: The Fork in the Road) | Aura Satz | 2018

“…part one of a research project on sonic obedience and disobedience through the trope of the siren. Khalid Abdalla’s account of the siren as the emblematic sound of resistance, oppression, and lost futures during the Arab Spring.” (Aura Satz)

How to Fold a Napkin | T2R/Laura Gillmore | 2018

“…a meditation of the absurdity of lifestyle-branded content and how our identity dissociates in order to engage with it. Our attention and loneliness have been commodified into an economy of ‘bottomless’ scrolling.” (T2R)

Path of Totality | Jeanne Liotta | 2017

“A live projection performance for handmade 16mm film loops and objects, precipitated by the solar eclipse event of August 21, 2017.” (Jeanne Liotta)

Full program details here.

SFMOMA is proud to partner with San Francisco Cinematheque in the presentation of CROSSROADS 10.