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On View

Candice Breitz
October 1–December 20, 2009

Imagine 25 of the most ardent John Lennon fans simultaneously singing along to his first solo album, John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band (1970), from beginning to end. Artist Candice Breitz gathered such a group, selecting Lennon devotees from around the world to individually pay tribute to their idol. Displayed on 25 screens, the resulting video installation, Working Class Hero (A Portrait of John Lennon) (2006), synchronizes the fans’ performances in off-kilter harmony. The impassioned chorus sings for 39 minutes and 55 seconds (the exact length of the album). On view in an adjacent gallery is Mother (2005), another exploration of pop culture icons. For this video piece, Breitz edited film performances by Faye Dunaway, Diane Keaton, Shirley MacLaine, Julia Roberts, Susan Sarandon, and Meryl Streep to create a revealing composite of the Hollywood cliché of the difficult mother.

composite image of three people singing
installation shot of 25 screens with people singing
composite image of six famous actresses
installation shot, 25 screens lined up wtih people singing

Candice Breitz, Working Class Hero (A Portrait of John Lennon) (composite), 2006; courtesy the artist and Jay Jopling/White Cube; photo: Alexander Fahl; © Candice Breitz

Candice Breitz, Working Class Hero (A Portrait of John Lennon), 2006; courtesy the artist and Jay Jopling/White Cube; © photo: Alex Fahl; 2009 Candice Breitz

Candice Breitz, Mother (composite), 2005; The West Collection; photo: Alexander Fahl; © Candice Breitz

Candice Breitz, Working Class Hero (A Portrait of John Lennon), 2006; courtesy the artist and Jay Jopling/White Cube; photo: Alex Fahl; © 2009 Candice Breitz