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Accessibility at SFMOMA

Entering the Museum

The Museum entrance and floors are accessible to visitors using wheeled devices or who have mobility difficulties. Our Accessible Drop-off Entrance allows passengers to be dropped off in close proximity to the entrance at Third Street. The entrance also has electric push-button doors for easy entry.

Support Persons

Professional Personal Care Attendants (PPCA) accompanying a paying visitor who requires care will not be charged admission. Entry ticket must be obtained onsite at SFMOMA’s Ticketing desk.

Service Animals

Service animals on a leash and under their owner’s control are welcome.

During Your Visit

Lightweight, portable gallery stools, manual wheelchairs, and adjustable canes may be checked out free-of-charge. These are available on a first-come, first-serve basis in exchange for an ID card at Coat Check on Floor 1.

The use of personal mobility devices and motorized vehicles (including Segways) is permitted, on the lowest speed setting.

Elevators on Floor 1 (off of Third Street and Howard Street) are available to take visitors up to the Ticketing Desk and galleries on Floor 2. A second elevator, located in the Helen and Charles Schwab Hall on Floor 2, stops at all gallery levels (Floors 2–7).

Visitors who are Blind or Partially-Sighted

Braille and large-print versions of our visitor guide map are available at the ticketing desk.

Free audio content can be accessed at sfmoma.org/audio. Audio descriptions of selected artworks are available.

Visitors who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

Full text transcripts of most audio guide stops are available at sfmoma.org/audio.

These resources are currently being updated to reflect changes relevant to the pandemic.

Visitors on the Autism Spectrum

Prepare for your museum experience at SFMOMA with our social narrative. This guide contains photographs and descriptions of what to expect during your visit.

Check out our Sensory Guide, a helpful resource we’ve created for finding quiet, less crowded spaces at SFMOMA.

Just for Families

Strollers may be checked out free-of-charge and on a first-come, first-served basis in exchange for an ID card at the Coat Check on floor 1.

You’ll find single-stall restrooms on Floors 2 and 4. Changing tables are available in the restrooms on each floor.

We allow breastfeeding and bottle-feeding in all spaces. Learn more.

Access Group Ticketing

SFMOMA offers complimentary or discounted admission for nonprofit or social services agencies that serve populations who face entry barriers to museum experiences due to differing abilities and health. For more information contact groups@sfmoma.org


The SFMOMA garage is located at 147 Minna Street, where we have nine handicap spaces available. The phone number for the garage is 415.348.0970.



Give Us Your Feedback

We want to hear from you! Please email visit@sfmoma.org with your comments, suggestions, and questions.

For more information about visiting the museum, please review our Guidelines for Visiting SFMOMA.